Google Translate Policy

The World Language Department has the following policy on using Google Translate. You can find the policy on the department website under the Academic Honesty page.

In the spirit of the Academic Honesty Policy of Summit High School, Google Translate and similar virtual translators for the use of more than a single word are not acceptable.

Google translate offers a one dimensional literal translation of text. Therefore, when used by a student to translate sentences and paragraphs the integrity of the message is compromised. To learn a second language students need to build their repertoire of vocabulary, rely on their memory or reference class materials to apply language skills in order for them to effectively acquire language. Therefore the Summit World Language Department does not permit the use of Google Translate or other digital/virtual translators to translate full sentences or paragraphs. The only acceptable use of Google translate is as a dictionary when looking up a single word or idiomatic expression. Another recommended dictionary/translation resource is

Please note that instructors are immediately able to identify the use of virtual translations because the language used falls outside the expectations of language taught in the classroom. Teachers know what language students have been exposed to and can anticipate student errors. When errors fall outside those expectations or sophisticated more complex language is used out of context, these errors are otherwise unexplainable and digital translations become the primary suspect. Therefore, the use of Google Translate or any other virtual translation will result in a zero for the assignment.